Comments on contemporary designs 2


Harvard Plaza
The Harvard plaza seems like a practical space to host a lot of foot traffic and people waiting for lectures etc. However the whole design feels a bit empty and under designed, as the main features seems to be the seats and the odd spot of planting. The strip lights under the seating make a calming and inviting site in evening light but generally I'm not sure how many people hang out on a college campus at night. The small areas of vegetation do have structural impact and look a bit tropical which is probably a relaxing sight after a long day of uni.

Le Jardin Rosa Luxemburg
In Situ
I think the reclamation of whatever buildings surround this site is a really clever and effective way of linking industrial sites back to nature and encouraging the public to use the space in a different way. The uniform rows of planting merge the aesthetics so that the planting looks like a natural part of the area.

Vilnius Plaza
I really like the unique use of levels in this plaza. The arched lights create height and a sense of direction, whilst the wavy planting surface lifts the vegetation up so that it is on a more human scale whilst still being mostly flowers and grasses. The empty space in the middle lets people get from one side to the other quickly, but doesn't look bland or unfriendly. It also incorporates drainage gullies in very subtly so that no pooling should take place but the water inlets aren't an eyesore.


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