Real-life Sustainability Studies

 As a designer I am committed to remaining as sustainable as possible, so that my projects never have a negative impact on the planet. I think that this should be a core value for all Landscape Architects as we have the opportunity to inspire real world change. I have been studying examples of impactful environmentally-friendly ideas that I come across in everyday life. 

Reclaimed Ruins, Croatia. 

Allowing nature to take back its space in a way which everyone can appreciate is key to changing attitudes to sustainability.

Green Roof, Cardiff

Natural Ground for Tramways, Amsterdam

Naturally and Locally sourced stone bench, Mid-Wales

Rill carrying rainwater from the top of a site to supply a water feature more than a kilometre away, West Wales

Natural access to a Trail, Cardiff
Some might call it nature's stairs, some might call it a suing-the-council goldmine.


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